Architecture & Ecriture in Paris


Kristen will be running a writing workshop as part of Architecture & Ecriture, the first edition of the AA Paris Visiting School programme, 1st-10th July.

Participants will engage in Writing seminars, visits to Artists' books collections and a public event in the unique setting of the Villa Vassilieff with exciting contributions from: 

Mireille Calle-Gruber, Professor at the Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle, editor of Michel Butor’s “Œuvres Complètes” (Paris: La Différence, 2006) and co-author with Hélène Cixous of “Photos de Racines” (Paris : Des Femmes, 1994).

Wayne Daly, London-based graphic designer focusing on publishing, editorial and visual identity. Co-founder of Bedford Press, an imprint at the AA School of Architecture, which publishes books and ebooks at the intersection of architecture, visual art, graphic design and theory.

Didier Faustino, Artist and architect exploring the relationship between body and space, diploma unit master at the AA and chief editor of French architectural and design magazine “Architectures Créé”

Sujung Jun, South-Korean artist in residence at the Villa Vassilieff, recipient of the Pernod Ricard Fellowship for her work on synaesthesia and literature.

Kristen Kreider, Poet and Director of the practice-based PhD Programme, English Department at Royal Holloway, University of London, author of “Poetics & Place: The Architecture of Sign, Subjects and Site” (I.B. Tauris, January 2014).

Caroline Rabourdin, Architect and essayist, head of the AA PARIS Visiting School, lecturer at the Architectural Association and PhD candidate at Chelsea College of Arts London (UAL)